17th Scientific Meeting in Hail

Conference “History of Hail and its civilization through the ages”, attended by 150 specialists in history


Dr. Abdullah bin Ali Al Zaidan as Chairman of the Board of Directors

The new Board of Directors of the Saudi Historical Society was elected at the Millennium Hotel in Hail on Wednesday, 1438/06/06. The Chairman of the Elections Committee, Mr. Abdulaziz bin Fawzan Al Mahareb, on behalf of the supervisor of scientific societies, Dr. Mohamed bin Ibrahim Al Obaida, And the results of the voting were as follows: Dr. Abdullah bin Ali Al Zaidan as Chairman of the Assembly, Dr. Saeed bin Abdullah Al Qahtani as Vice President, Dr. Suhail Saban as Secretary of the Council and Dr. Saeed Ali Al-Ghailani. The money with them success Tmnayatna

Hosted by the University of North for four days:

Closing of the 16th Conference of the Saudi Historical Society


They toured the university facilities:

A delegation from the Board of Directors of the Saudi Historical Society visits the Northern Border University


Prince of Riyadh receives the President and members of the Saudi Historical Society

His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Abdulaziz, Governor of Riyadh, received the Honorary President of the Saudi Historical Society in his office at Al-Hakam Palace today Chairman of the Saudi Historical Society Dr. Abdullah bin Ali Al-Zaidan and members of the Board of Directors of the Society.

Moreأخبار الجمعية الأخرى ..


Honorary Members

Working Members

Associate members

Management of scientific societies

in King Saud University

Society Publications

The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman Bin Abdul Aziz, received the President and members of the Board of Directors of the Society while he was the Emir of Riyadh and provided them with valuable guidance to the King Abdul Aziz Department to carry out joint coordination to support and activate historical studies in the Kingdom. Al-Dara directed to print and publish all the articles issued by the Saudi Historical Society.

  • Scientific record 93%
  • Scientific Journal 80%
  • Research 95%

Strategic depth

Our country, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Muslim kiss, and the Arab and Islamic depth. We have many potential opportunities and diverse resources. Our real wealth lies in our society and its members, our Islamic religion and our national unity, which are our source of pride and distinction. We are confident that we will build a better future, God willing, and live in accordance with our Islamic principles, and continue to harness our energies and potentials in the service of the guests of the best, and cherish the national identity of our country.

Department of History – King Saud University

The importance of the Department of History in accompanying the emergence of the educational movement in the Kingdom, as one of the first two sections established at King Saud University, the oldest university in the country, when it was established in 1377 AH / 1957. Since then, the department has attracted distinguished professors and senior historians from within the Kingdom and abroad, and has sent many of its graduates to famous universities in Europe and the United States to study and return home to carry the scientific message.

Cultural and historical heritage

We are proud of our cultural and historical heritage of Saudi Arabia, Arab and Islamic, and we recognize the importance of preserving it to promote national unity and the consolidation of genuine Arab and Islamic values. Our land has been known throughout history for its ancient civilizations and trade routes that have linked the world’s civilizations to each other, giving them diversity and unique cultural depth. Therefore, we will preserve, recognize and recognize our national identity and transmit it to our next generations by inculcating national principles and values.

Center for Studies of the History and Civilization of the Arabian Peninsula

To achieve the leading role of the university and society in the development process and provide it with the expertise it needs in the field of specialized studies in the history, civilization and heritage of the Arabian Peninsula.

الجزيرة العربية :بحوث ودراسات من وثائق الأرشيف العثماني والمصادر التركية

يزخر الأرشيف العثماني بملايين الوثائق عن الجزيرة العربية وغيرها من البلدان ولهذا تناول الباحثون هذا الأرشيف وما زالوا ينقبون في جنباته ما يخص الجزيرة العربية. من أولئك النشطين في هذا الميدان الدكتور سهيل صابان.الذي أوضح في آخر إصداراته في هذا الكتاب ما يتعلق بهذا الجانب ..

تفاصيل أكثر

تغيير حال الجزيرة العربية

لقد مرّ بالجزيرة العربية فجوة زمنية: علمية واجتماعية وتاريخية، ما بين العصر العباسي الثالث، القرن الخامس الهجري، والدعوة، أسدل فيها الستار، وضاعت المعالم، إلا من وميض لا يروي نهمة المحقّق والمدقّق، حتى أذن الله بانبعاث نور جديد، صاحبته دعوة الإصلاح،

تفاصيل أكثر

نظرة في كتاب «ترحال في صحراء الجزيرة العربية

تأليف: تشارلز دوتي، ترجمة صبري محمد حسن، مراجعة وتقديم: جمال زكريا قاسم
تعود كتابات الرحّالة الغربيين عن بلادنا إلى أكثر من قرنين مضيا، حيث حظيت الجزيرة العربية باهتمام هؤلاء الرحّالة الذين جابوا ديار العرب لأسباب ودوافع مختلفة.
وقد كتبوا عن أمور مختلفة وجوانب شتى من حياة أهل الجزيرة الاجتماعية والسياسية وغيرها، واصفين ما شاهدوه، ومتحدثين عما سمعوه وقد سجلوا بهذا معلومات وأحداثاً في غاية الأهمية.

تفاصيل أكثر

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